On the MLB.tv Blue Jays – Blackout Situation
This unfortunate news has been in the headlines of late.
One of our Canadian correspondents here at the CBOS gave us the following reaction:
I went through multiple stages of denial.
Then I recalled during the Olympics or shit where I couldn’t find a very competitive curling game and biathlon, or archery.
And when it took me to get HideMe-something-something (VPN), I was using that IP address a lot.
Then I went to MLB.tv to watch a Yankees game
and there are blackouts for YES (Yankee Entertainment S….?) because my IP was from East Coast USA.Damn.
I think we have had it good for a while up here in Canada.
That’s when I realized perhaps only Canadians get the entire MLB.tv.
I laughed.
I said that will never affect me.
Now here it is.